By James A. Huizenga


March 19, 1997



The Ants


The ants run in her family

Curse passed from kin to kin.

No matter where my wife resides

They find their way within.


They've come to breakfast with the dog

They've found the counter top.

They've even circled round the house,

She just wants them to stop.


Our house is built upon their hill

Of this we have no doubt.

With papers signed and no recourse

Until then, not found out.


I've been assigned to rid the land

Of ants from here to there.

With trusty tank I'm set to spray

There is no time to spare.


I sprayed the house inside and out

With all intent to kill.

They saw me coming and beat feet

From house ran up my hill.


I followed in red hot pursuit

Their chances one bad bet.

"You'll not escape", I thought out loud

"You've now your master met."



The Wall


Across the hill, part left, part right

With tank in hand I went.

A haughty stride I did possess

As if by devil sent.


The wall was built, the hill to hold;

A job it had done well.

Its time to build, long to complete,

Another task from hell.


A mighty bulwark, there it stood

And rose into the sky.

I stepped atop its diz'ing ledge

In fact 'twas four feet high.


My act upon the wide highwire

To begin was just about.

Beneath my feet the ants did run

They gave a battle shout.


One step I took and then took two.

The next step I would find--

My body plunging to the ground,

"O' gravity, be kind."


Below me loomed another wall.

This one of just two block.

My kingdom for a time machine,

To now turn back the clock.

The Fall


The shovel leaned against the wall,

Its handle head held high.

It waited there to dig again

When I might happen by.


The shovel handle found my shorts

A private place of mine.

It traveled up and just did miss

A place the sun don't shine.


My body perched on handle high;

My straining shorts stretched taut;

The cloth gave way, it split in two,

A battle bravely fought.


The second wall my body struck

As to the lawn I fell.

"What damage to my precious bod

Will this wall do? Pray tell."


I tucked and rolled, as dog looked on.

She then came by to play.

"I know I'm at your level, Sam,

I'm hurting -- Please go 'way."


As from the lawn I did arise

I'd swear that I did hear

The final echoes from the hill

Of a defi-ant cheer.


Tho ants are small, they're very strong

And org'nized to a 'T'.

I'm now convinced they rallied all

To lift and carry me.



Lesson Learned?


My left thigh was all black and blue

From where it struck the wall.

My right leg creased below the knee,

As second broke my fall.


"Dumb, Lucky!", called by those who've heard

This tale of ants I've told.

I could have now my shovel used

No need my hands to hold.


The search for new 'lympic events

I hope will pass me by.

Advice from one who's smarter now,

At home, this sport don't try.


It would be called the shovel vault

A balancing event.

Don't try alone this no hands show

Unless your name's Clark Kent.


They say that older you must get

As part of this life's charter.

You may survive the pass'n years, but

Not get any smarter.


This fall survived, a lesson new

Taught to a slow old fool.

You'd think by now I'd know the truth

That ants -- the world -- still rule


There's still desire to make the list

An honored place to earn

Of greatest hunters of the ant

-----I guess, I'll never learn